A really cool online short story publisher accepted 3 of my short stories today! Quarter Reads is just as it sounds, one quarter will get you one story. For 25¢ you can read a short story. Pretty cool concept. So for just $5 you can purchase 20 short stories! I love this idea and think it's great in a day where we always have a device in our pocket. The next time you are waiting in line or find yourself with a little time to kill you can grab a story that's bound to be a quick read. They cap their word count off at 2,000 words. That's pretty short for a story length. I found 6 of my stories to match this length, with one that I had to edit down a bit. I'm excited to have my work in this new cool venue! I should have 3 more short stories available on the site soon. Thanks for stopping by.
Check out my stories for 25¢ each here.