I recently added my latest short story Cue Bull to my anthology. I also took the opportunity to reformat the book. Just a couple minor things but I think it looks much nicer now. I updated it at Smashwords and Amazon Kindle. If you're a book reviewer I'd love to send you a free copy for an honest review. Just get a hold of me through the various links on the right of my site under Contact Info. Thanks for stopping by!
My latest short story "The Night the Lights Came On"
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful (from "The Great Gatsby" Soundtrack)
In my last blog post I reviewed the 2013 released movie The Great Gatsby. One of the songs on the soundtrack for that film has been haunting me. Young and Beautiful sung by Lana Del Rey. That's a good way to describe the song, haunting. Now that I think about it I heard it on the movie preview and it was one thing that drew me to the film - and that Leo and Baz were a part of it. I love it for its ability to convey a specific mood that really fits the film and the novel. I think it succeeds at that the same way the novel and film do - they capture a specific time and place. The Great Gatsby is a novel about more than the characters lives in the book. It captured the time of the roaring twenties. This song captures a tone from the film really well. I like things that can do that. My two favorite books are The Body by Stephen King, and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Both of those stories capture intimate stories of childhood merging toward adulthood. In a way you could kind of say that The Great Gatsby captures that time for our country. Am I stretching it?
May I submit to you that youth and beauty are fleeting things and we should not put our stock in them. That's not the message that normally is crammed down our throats by the media but it's true. I still love the song though. Anyways, Just wanted to draw your attention to this song. It's one I bought on iTunes - don't you love being able to buy singles? Thanks for stopping by.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
The Great Gatsby by Baz Luhrmann | Movie Review
I finally watched the 2013 release of The Great Gatsby last night on my birthday. When I saw that the film was coming out a while back I picked up the book and gave it a second read. I remember thinking it was pretty good in high school, especially compared to the novels we were forced to read in those formative years. My second read showed me why it, along with another favorite novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is called the great American novel. I love the novel. It is amazing. It's prose is like a rich dessert that you want to come back to again later for its deeply subtle taste that’s so nuanced and delicate. You can read the review of the novel I wrote after reading it a second time through here. Now on to my review of the movie.

One thing this movie does well is capture the novel faithfully in it's own way. I don't recall any major plot points or events being changed. Other than some of the modern music Baz Luhrmann chose to use I finally felt like I was watching the book. The further into the movie I got the more I felt it did an amazing job at capturing many of the moments in the book. Seeing Gatsby reach out for the green light. Seeing Gatsby finally have tea with Daisy and then show her his mansion. From that point on I was in and I really enjoyed it. Much like the book the movie haunts you for a while after you watch it. They did a good job leaving you with the same feeling you get when finishing the book. I'm glad they put in that last line from the novel I found in a nice graphic image here. So good. All in all by the end of the film I really liked it and now I want to watch it again. Maybe I'll end up liking the first act or so this time around. As for the novel if you haven't read it you really should. It's an amazing novel, and quite short so it won't take you that long. If you need more convincing watch this awesome video where John Green describes everything he finds interesting about the novel.
Have you seen the film? What about others by Baz Luhrmann? Do you love them hate them? Not get them or think they define eras of time? Chime in with your own thoughts in the comments. I'd love to hear from you, and thanks for stopping by.
Have you seen the film? What about others by Baz Luhrmann? Do you love them hate them? Not get them or think they define eras of time? Chime in with your own thoughts in the comments. I'd love to hear from you, and thanks for stopping by.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
It's My Birthday & Plans for This Year
Well it's my birthday. Did you know Google puts up a custom Birthday graphic on your birthday if you're logged in? Kind of cool. Anyways, I'm 31 today. Depending who I'm hanging out with I'm either really old or still quite young. Either way one thing I know is that I'm very blessed. I have an amazing wife who also happens to be my best friend, and we have three beautiful kids who we really enjoy. I don't deserve the life I get to live. I'm so happy to be married to my wife and be a daddy to my wonderful kids. They are awesome. Life is good.
Everyone knows dragons come from the Realm of Fire, even though none know how to get there. It is said to be a land wholly different from our own. There is no road that will take you there, no great body of water on which you can sail to its shores. Legend says the only way to get there is through fire. Who in the burnt realm knows what that means? Surely I did not, but I was soon to find out and it would lead to a journey I will never forget. The day I found the great robes of the old wizard everyone had stopped believing in was the day my fate changed forever.

Thanks for stopping by everybody. Though it's just begun, I hope 2014 is shaping up to be a great year for you all!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
And Another Audiobook!

Monday, January 6, 2014
A New Audiobook I Narrated is Live!

Here's the synopsis for this book:
While the solution I offer to the growing problem of restaurant patrons blowing their noses outwardly and openly within public dining rooms, is simple and that I could have easily stated within a single paragraph, this would be a lost opportunity. I say this because my example and solution for only one problem we may experience during our stay at a public eatery, is simply that..."an example". I am using what might be the single most disgusting behavioral act that can be perpetrated but not hidden, by a fellow restaurant-patron, being that of "dining room nose blowing".
My purpose being to set a type of standard for correction of similar problems. Certainly we could instead report undesirable behaviors to the staff of a food service establishment. We could simply ask them to speak to the offending patron, requesting that they desist their gross or offensive activity, while keeping us anonymous. My question however, would be to ask if this would be the best way to send corrective admonition? I think not... (just a taste of what you'll get in this over 3,000 word dissertation!)
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Rudeness of all Types Can Occur in Restaurants
3. "Restaurant Boogie Fever" - One of the Rudeness Biggies!
4. What You Would Like to Do (but Can't)
5. What You Can Do Within Legal Limits
6. In Conclusion
I hope you'll give it a listen. If anything listen to the sample for a laugh. Maybe it will convince you to pick the book up. It's a great price for an audiobook. Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
The Cover for my Next Story
This is the cover for the short story I'm currently writing. Hopefully it will be accepted by the Every Photo Tells duo and they'll podcast it beautifully. It was inspired by their November photo. Okay, now back to writing it! Thanks for stopping by.
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