My latest short story "The Night the Lights Came On"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sword and Urn hits # 300 in Fantasy on Wattpad

The novella I've been revising, Sword and Urn, hit # 300 in Fantasy on Wattpad today! That is really cool. I'm not even done revising it. I just finished chapter 9 of 10, but since I changed the ending chapter 10 is going to be all new. I don't think this is going to last so I grabbed a screenshot of it to share:
I noticed a couple days ago that it was #413 in Fantasy and in the 600s for Adventure. Then I believe it went to the 800s for fantasy and adventure. I kept revising, posting new versions of each chapter, and I changed the cover a bit. I'm not sure what the reason is but my novella somehow shot up the charts in Fantasy to 300 and I am humbled, surprised, pleased, and like I said excited! It is no longer on the charts for Adventure. Now if only someone would leave a comment :) 

I'm hoping to get lots of comments very soon when I pass this book off to some beta readers. I can't wait to hear what they have to say good or bad so I can continue making this into a better book. I'm very pleased with this second draft and I'm glad I took the time to study story structure a while back. Surprisingly most of the story fit into the right structure, unlike all of the other books I've written so far. I was very surprised by this because the first draft had no chapters. I broke it onto chapters by trying to make each one around 2,500 words and at a good place for a chapter break. Then I broke down my story with the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet and figured out where all the pieces should go and in what chapters. Then I did a chapter outline. All of this helped me to get the story in a better place structurally and I couldn't believe that somehow I had mostly written my story with the correct structure in place. There was some tweaking but mostly the ending is what needed a big change.

I can't wait to finish rewriting chapter 10 and putting a cap on this second draft so I can start getting some feedback. My feeling is that this will by a story I publish. That's the hope. Would you like to be a beta reader? Send me a note! Don't know where to find me? Check out all the buttons on the upper right of my site to get in touch with me with your method of choice. Or just start reading the novella now on Wattpad and you can leave comments on each chapter there, even if you're not a Wattpad member. It's super easy to read in a browser and they also have apps for just about every mobile device so you should find it easy to start reading. If you're going that route my book is # 19775537 in the Wattpad app. As always, thanks for stopping by!

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