The in-between times don’t pass with ease
They feel unreal
Like a dream
You’re not there yet
But your mind is
It’s left you here to scour the possibilities ahead
But you must stay behind
Your time has not yet come but lingers on
So you count down the days
And cherish the last of the special moments
Wondering how you’ll move on
Spilling tears mourning the loss moving on will bring
Only to wish it was over and done with hours later
Attempting to be here and now
To squeeze out every last drop of this experience that has been
But soon will never be again
It’s the end
Of an era
You’re moving on to the next chapter
But you haven’t quite made it to the bit of blank page
The part you briefly stare at before turning to the next one
The next page with its chapter heading
Cluing you in to what’s in store
A battle in your chest between desires to turn the page
And to linger here just a little more
In the meanwhile time goes all funny on you
The counted days seem too many
Yet you know they will be gone before you’re ready
This is the tension
The longing to be there already
While wanting to soak in the last
Of what has become your new normal
You know you will miss
You love where you are
Yet long for where you'll be