Last night my wife and I made it to World 8 in
New Super Mario Bros. on the Wii. My wife never plays video games with me but I found out a while back that she played Super Mario on the Nintendo as a kid. I have a game called Mario All-Stars for the Super Nintendo that has Mario 1, 2, and 3 on it. She saw me start to play it with my four year old son and then she started playing it. I was so excited to see her playing video games! We went on to spend an afternoon one Saturday playing the entire game of Super Mario Bros. 3 until we beat it. It was so fun playing all the way through a game together and beating it. After we did she looked over at me and said, 'That was a pretty good date night, right?" I grinned from ear to ear nodding in agreement. It was so much fun playing video games with my wife and best friend.

The other day my son was watching video of New Super Mario Bros. game play on YouTube on the iPad and it clicked. I needed to get this game. Not only was my son super excited about it, but I knew my wife would want to play. I was telling my co-worker about it and he said his copy was just sitting on the shelf so he brought it to work the next day for me to borrow it. Sure enough I brought it home and my 4 year old LOVED it! That night my wife said, "Do you want to play Mario?" I was thrilled. A few nights later and we have beat the game, but the special part of it was that we let our 4 year old stay up late to watch us beat the game. He was so excited. The look on his face was priceless, like when we took him to Disneyland for the first time. I can still remember the first time I beat the original Super Mario Bros. I was just a couple years older than my oldest son is now. New Super Mario Bros. has many of the same sound effects and features of the original game, and all of the other Mario games. Playing it brought back so many memories. Sharing the experience with my family was the best part. I will remember last night as a very special night with two of my favorite people in the whole world playing New Super Mario Bros.
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