My latest short story "The Night the Lights Came On"

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Dan's Book Reviews | Episode 85
Purple Hibiscus

In this 85th episode, I review Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Listen to hear why even though this is a book I never thought I would have been interested in, it was one of the best most well written books I've ever had the pleasure to read. I'm glad an old friend recommended it to me.

Play or download the .mp3

Buy "Purple Hibiscus" on Amazon:

Check out the author's website:

Check out a couple of my novels:

Haunted House Flipper:

The Case 2of the Missing Snowman:


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Dan's Book Reviews | Episode 84
Keeper of the Lost Cities

In this 84th episode, I review Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger. Not only did I really enjoy this fun and easy to read urban fantasy, but my kids are HUGE fans of the series. I've spent most of my audible credits on the books in this series for them lately!

Play or download the .mp3

Buy "Keeper of the Lost Cities" on Amazon:

Check out a couple of my novels:

Haunted House Flipper:

The Case 2of the Missing Snowman:


Wednesday, February 12, 2025


You may have noticed a few new poems I've published on this site recently. I stumbled across this amazing project where a renown guitar player lays down gorgeous tracks beneath a master poet reciting poems. It's called Strings and Sonnets. Check it out. After listening to these prodigious poems, I was inspired to try my hand a few again. It's been quite some time since I've written a poem.


I am now inspired to record my poems and then write instrumental music to go with them just in the way these fine gentlemen accomplished their resplendent album. I'm sure I'll put them out on the podcast and here on the website as I get each one made. It is a project I'm very excited about. Now I just have to learn how to get all of the other projects I'm excited about finished and shipped, because real artists ship. While I have published many things, there are also many things on my back burner or half finished that I must get to eventually!

Spade to Pavement | A Poem

There is a subtle peace 
In putting shovel to drive
The spread blanket of white lain down 
Softens the sounds around
Dampens footfalls and traffic beyond
While you work a steady line

Plastic tip or metal strip
Meet concrete beneath the brilliant sheet 
The constant push
The quiet scrape
Accented by plush plops
Dripping from your broad tool
As piles are made beside

Though this way is greater
Both in effort and in time
Than following behind
A quick cacophonous machine
It affords a space for the soul to quiet down 

Racing thoughts fall like flakes
As your body works your mind rests
Decrease the layer and raise up the heaps
While you defrost the cake beside your carport
Your mind settles 
Your body finds the rhythm
Of the shovel and the snow 
And the pavement below

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Ready Not Ready | A Poem

The in-between times don’t pass with ease

They feel unreal

Like a dream

You’re not there yet 

But your mind is 

It’s left you here to scour the possibilities ahead

But you must stay behind

Your time has not yet come but lingers on

So you count down the days

And cherish the last of the special moments

Wondering how you’ll move on

Spilling tears mourning the loss moving on will bring 

Only to wish it was over and done with hours later

Attempting to be here and now 

To squeeze out every last drop of this experience that has been 

But soon will never be again

It’s the end

Of an era

You’re moving on to the next chapter

But you haven’t quite made it to the bit of blank page 

The part you briefly stare at before turning to the next one

The next page with its chapter heading

Cluing you in to what’s in store

A battle in your chest between desires to turn the page

And to linger here just a little more

In the meanwhile time goes all funny on you

The counted days seem too many

Yet you know they will be gone before you’re ready

This is the tension

The longing to be there already

While wanting to soak in the last 

Of what has become your new normal

You know you will miss

You love where you are

Yet long for where you'll be